OhioBWC - Worker - Form: (BWC Forms) (2024)

Injured worker forms descriptionsA-12 EFT - A.C.T. Enrollment Form and Direct Deposit Authorization:Injured workers should use this form to apply for direct deposit of their workers' compensation payments. Automatic Comp Transfer (ACT) deposits injured worker compensation payments into a checking or savings account of their choice on the day payment is due. Injured workers must send the form along with a voided check or personal deposit slip containing the banking information and account number to BWC ACT, P.O. Box 15429, Columbus, OH 43215-0429.A-12-ES EFT - Formulario de inscripción y autorización de depósito directo de la ACT:Los trabajadores lesionados deben usar este formulario para solicitar un depósito directo de sus pagos de indemnización a los trabajadores. La transferencia de compensación automática (Automatic Comp Transfer, ACT) deposita los pagos de indemnización del trabajador lesionado en una cuenta corriente o de ahorros de su elección el día de pago. Los trabajadores lesionados deberán enviar el formulario junto con un cheque anulado o un recibo de depósito personal que contenga la información bancaria y número de cuenta a BWC ACT, P.O. Box 15429, Columbus, OH 43215-0429.

A-21 - Prepaid Debit Card Enrollment Application:
Injured workers receiving permanent total disability benefits can have their benefit payments loaded directly onto a prepaid debit card after receiving and reading through all preacquisition disclosures. With the prepaid debit card, injured workers will have funds automatically loaded to the card. Injured workers can make purchases, get cash, and pay bills anywhere Visa® is accepted. Funds on the prepaid Visa debit card are protected if the card is lost or stolen.

1. You are generally protected from all liability for unauthorized transactions with Zero Liability. You must call the number on the back of your card immediately to report any unauthorized use. Certain conditions and limitations may apply. See your Cardholder Agreement for details.
The ReliaCard® is issued by U.S. Bank National Association pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A Inc. © 2022 U.S. Bank. Member FDIC.

A-21-ES - Solicitud de inscripción para la tarjeta de beneficios prepagada:Los trabajadores lesionados que reciben beneficios por incapacidad total y permanente son elegibles para una tarjeta de beneficios prepagada después de recibir y leer la divulgacion previa a la adquisición. Con la tarjeta prepagada, los trabajadores lesionados tendrán sus beneficios anadidos a su cuenta automáticamente. Trabajadores lesionados podrán hacer compras, obtener efectivo, y pagar facturas en cualquier lugar donde se acepta Visa®. Fondos en la tarjeta de Visa® prepagada son protegidos si la tarjeta se pierde o si es robada.
1.Generalmente, usted sera protegido de toda responsabilidad por transacciones no autorizadas con Zero Responsabilidad. Usted debe llamar al número en la parte de atrás de su tarjeta inmediatamente para reportar cualquier uso no autorizado. Ciertas condiciones y limitaciones podrán aplicar. Revise su Acuerdo de Tarjetahabiente para detalles.
La ReliaCard® es emitida por la Asociación Nacional de U.S. Bank (U.S. Bank National Association) en virtud de una licencia de Visa U.S.A. Inc. © 2022 U.S. Bank Member FDIC A-35 - Direct Deposit ACT Bank Change:Injured workers should use this form to change the bank where BWC deposits their compensation benefits. Automatic Comp Transfer (ACT) deposits workers' compensation payments into the injured worker's checking or savings account on the day it's due. Fill out the form completely and attach a voided check or deposit slip for the new account. Send the form to BWC Benefits Payable, P.O. Box 15429, Columbus, OH 43215-0429.A-35-ES - Cambio de banco de depósito directo de ACT:ILos trabajadores lesionados deben usar este formulario para cambiar el banco donde la BWC deposita sus beneficios de indemnización. La transferencia de compensación automática (Automatic Comp Transfer, ACT) deposita los pagos de indemnización de los trabajadores en una cuenta corriente o de ahorros el día de pago. Complete el formulario y adjunte un cheque anulado o un recibo de depósito para la cuenta nueva. Envíe el formulario a BWC Benefits Payable, P.O. Box 15429, Columbus, OH 43215-0429.C-5 - Application for Death Benefits and/or Funeral Expenses:This form is used to supply BWC with additional information when benefits are being requested on account of the death of an injured worker. Information requested pertains to an injured worker's dependent(s) or other person(s) who have paid for services related to the injured worker's death.C-5-ES - Solicitud para los beneficios por fallecimiento y/o gastos funerarios:Este formulario se utiliza para proporcionar a la BWC información adicional cuando los beneficios son solicitados a causa de la muerte de un trabajador lesionado. La información solicitada se refiere a los dependientes del trabajador lesionado u otras personas que han pagado por los servicios relacionados con la muerte del empleado lesionado.C-6 - Application for Accrued Compensation:Those eligible for benefits after an injured worker's death can use this form to apply for compensation that was unpaid at the time of the decedent's death.C-11 - ADR Appeal to the MCO Medical Treatment/Service Decision:Injured workers, employers, medical providers or authorized representatives should use this form to appeal the decision of the managed care organization (MCO) regarding treatment or services. This form initiates the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process.C-11-ES - Apelación a la decisión por servicio/tratamiento médico de la MCO de ADR:Los trabajadores lesionados, empleadores, proveedores de servicios médicos o los representantes autorizados deben usar este formulario para apelar la decisión de la organización de atención administrada (Managed Care Organization, MCO) con respecto al servicio o tratamiento. Este formulario inicia el proceso de resolución alternativa de disputa (Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR).C-17 - Request for Injured Worker Outpatient Medication Reimbursem*nt:Injured workers should use this form to get reimbursed for prescribed outpatient medication only. This form is not used for medical supplies, durable medical equipment (crutches, walkers, etc.), and other non-drug items reqardless of the provider type that supplied them. Pharmacy providers are expected to submit bills to ACS State Healthcare electronically, even before the injured worker has a claim number. As a result, the use of the C-17 should be rare and limited to special circ*mstances. Before filling out the form, read all the instructions at the top carefully. You can obtain all the information you need to complete the form at your pharmacy. You should send the completed C-17 to ACS State Healthcare with the medication receipts and pharmacist signature.

Injured workers whose employers are self-insuring should contact their employers for instructions on billing for outpatient medications. ACS State Healthcare is not responsible for processing bills in self-insuring claims.

C-18 Notice to BWC of the Injured Worker and Employer Agreement and Authorization to Send Injured Worker's Check(s) to the Employer:Injured workers can use this form to establish an agreement between BWC, their employers and themselves so BWC will reimburse their employers for any wages they paid to them while also receiving temporary total benefits from BWC.C-23 - Notice to Change Physician of Record:Injured workers should use this form to notify their managed care organization (MCO) of a change of physician. Injured workers must choose a physician who is BWC-certified. The physician will receive payment only for medical services and items related to the treatment of the allowed conditions in the injured workers claim and in accordance with the MCO's medical management guidelines. Injured worker's can also use this form to notify self-insuring employers of a change of physician.C-30 - Request for Medical InformationInjured workers and employers can use this form to get additional information about a workplace injury from a particular physician.C-32 - Application for Payment of Lump Sum AdvancementInjured workers or their dependents should use this form to request an advanced payment of their workers' compensation benefits. Injured workers must attachdocumentation to support the request. They should not use this form to request a lump sum payment for attorney fees.C-60 - Completing the Injured Worker Statement for Reimbursem*nt of Travel Expense:Injured workers use this form to request reimbursem*nt for travel expenses incurred relative to a medical exam or treatment for a work-related injury or disease. Injured workers should send the completed form to BWC or their self-insuring employer. C-60-A - Injured Worker Reimbursem*nt Rates for Travel Expense:A companion to the C-60, this form explains the reimbursable rates for travel-related expenses. Rates apply to the dates the expenses are incurred. C-72 - Authorization to Release Information:Injured workers use this form to give permission to an authorized representative to review some or all of his or her claim information. C-72-ES - Autorización para divulgar información:Los trabajadores lesionados utilizan este formulario para darle permiso a un representante autorizado para revisar parte o toda la información de su reclamo.C-77 - Injured Worker's Change of Address Notification:Injured workers use this form to notify BWC or their self-insuring employer of a new address and phone number. C-84 - Request for Temporary Total Compensation:Injured workers must use this form to initiate or extend payment of temporary total disability benefits. The injured worker provides information about employment and benefits received during the time of disability. The physician provides information about the condition, physical restrictions, objective and subjective findings, maximum medical improvement, vocational rehabilitation and the dates of disability being certified, including an estimated or actual return-to-work date via the MEDCO-14 form. This form advises the injured worker of the penalties associated with workers' compensation fraud. C-84-ES - Petición de compensación total temporal:Los trabajadores lesionados y sus médicos deben usar este formulario para iniciar y extender el pago de beneficios por incapacidad total temporaria. C-86 - Motion:Any party to the claim can use this form to request action on a claim from either BWC or the IC (i.e., allowance of additional condition(s) and/or benefit payments). This form should always be submitted with supporting documentation such as medical evidence. C-86-ES - Moción:Cualquier individuo de la reclamación puede usar este formulario para solicitar acciones en una reclamación por parte de BWC o la IC(por ej., que se permitan condiciones y/o pagos por beneficios adicionales). Este formulario siempre debe enviarse con documentación comprobante, que demuestran pruebas médicas. C-92 - Application for Determination of Percentage of Permanent Partial Disability or Increase of Permanent Partial Disability:

Injured workers should use this form to request an award for permanent impairment, either physical or psychological, resulting from an allowed workers' compensation claim. If an injured worker has a permanent impairment, he or she may be eligible for a monetary award based upon the severity of the impairment. The injured worker may be eligible for this award even if he or she did not lose time from work due to the injury.
If an injured worker has previously been granted a Percentage of Permanent Partial award, he or she can also use this form to request an increase to that award. Increases may be due to the impairment becoming more severe over time or because a new medical condition has been added to the claim.

C-92-ES - Solicitud para determinar el porcentaje de incapacidad parcial permanente o aumento de la incapacidad permanente parcial:Los trabajadores lesionados deben usar este formulario para solicitar una determinación relativa a una incapacidad permanente que tienen como consecuencia de su lesión o enfermedad relacionada al trabajo. La solicitud inicial de incapacidad parcial permanente puede presentarse en las 40 semanas después de la fecha de la lesión (o después de la última fecha de indemnización por incapacidad) reclamos que sucedieron antes del 30, junio del 2006. Para reclamos que sucedieron después del 30, junio del 2006, la solicitud inicial no debe ser presentada antes de 26 semanas después. No existe ninguna limitación de tiempo para la presentación de un aumento.

C-101 - Authorization to Release Medical Information:Injured workers should use this form to authorize the release of medical records relative to their work-related injury(s). By signing this form, the injured worker authorizes medical providers who have rendered services relative to the injury to release information to BWC, the Industrial Commission, the employer, the managed care organization (MCO) or qualified health plan (QHP) and any authorized representatives. The form is intended to comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), although BWC is exempt from HIPAA requirements.

Medicaid Medical Release Form (ODM 10221) - alternative
Normally for workers' compensation claims, injured workers use the C-101 to ask providers to release medical information. However, sometimes providers, due to HIPPA concerns, will require a provider's proprietary medical release form. To address this potential issue, we're making Medicaid's medical release form available for download.
Note:Before you begin, download the instructions.

Pursuant to Ohio Administrative Code 5160-1-32.1 if the Medicaid standardized authorization form is properly filled out and identifies the individual in section I of the form by either an individual or their personal representative, the form shall be accepted by ANY person or governmental entity in this state as valid authorization for the use or disclosure of the individual's protected health information to requestor specified on the form.

That means the Medicaid form will reduce the need for a party to use multiple provider specific medical release forms. So, both the C-101 and the Medicaid form will facilitate and support action related to addressing claim released issues.

C-108 - Request For Waiver of Appeal:Injured workers, employers and/or their respective representatives should use this form to waive appeal rights on a BWC or IC order. Both parties must sign the waiver to waive (or cancel) the appeal period. A waiver signed by only one of the parties will not cause an appeal period to be cancelled.C-108-ES - Renuncia al período de apelación:Los trabajadores lesionados, empleadores o sus respectivos representantes deben usar este formulario para renunciar a los derechos de apelación a una orden de la BWC o de la IC. Ambas partes deben firmar la petición para renunciar (o cancelar) al período de apelación. Una renuncia firmada por solo una de las partes no cancelará un período de apelación.C-140 - Application for Wage Loss Compensation:Injured workers use this form to apply for wage loss compensation. Injured workers may be eligible for wage loss if they are working with restrictions and earning less than before the injury or disease. They may also be eligible if they are actively seeking but are unable to find work within their physical capabilities. This form is completed by the injured worker and the physician of record. The injured worker supplies information regarding the current work status and employment history. The physician provides information regarding the injured worker's work restrictions and physical capacity. Completed forms should be sent to BWC or the self-insuring employer.C-141 - Wage Loss Statement for Job Search:Injured workers who have already applied for or are receiving wage loss use this form to document the employers they contact during weekly job searches and the results. BWC bases eligibility for non-working wage loss compensation on evidence of their continued job search efforts. Completed forms should be sent to BWC or the self-insured employer.C-142 - Employer Report of Employee Earnings for Wage Loss Compensation:This form is used to supply BWC or the self-insuring employer with the injured worker's wage information. Wage information is needed to establish the rates used for paying various types of compensation. Wage information can include check stubs, payroll ledgers, W-2 or other federal earning reports. Employers or injured workers can complete this form. If the form is completed by an injured worker, it must be notarized. C-159-ES - Renuncia a los beneficios por indemnización de los trabajadores para actividades recreativas o de ejercicios físicos:Los trabajadores lesionados completan este formulario para renunciar a la cobertura de indemnización de los trabajadores para participar voluntariamente en actividades recreativas o programas de ejercicios físicos patrocinados por el empleador. IC-167-T - Objection to Tentative Order Awarding Permanent Partial Disability:Injured workers, employers or their respective representatives should use this form to object to a tentative order awarding permanent partial disability compensation. The Industrial Commission (IC) or BWC must receive the form within 20 days of the date the tentative order was received. Once the objection is received, the IC will schedule a formal hearing. Objections can now also be submitted online through I.C.O.N., the IC's Web site. C-230 - Authorization to Receive Workers' Compensation Check:Injured workers use this form to authorize BWC to send their workers' compensation checks to their attorneys or authorized representatives. BWC encourages them to read the time frames on the form before signing it.C-230-ES - Autorización para recibir Cheques de compensación por accidentes en el trabajo:Los trabajadores lesionados usan este formulario para autorizar que BWC envíe los cheques de compensación por accidente de trabajo a sus abogados o representantes autorizados. BWC los anima a leer los plazos que figuran en el formulario antes de firmar.C-240 - Settlement Agreement and Application for Approval of Settlement Agreement (for State-Fund Claims Only):Injured workers should use this form to file for a claims settlement with BWC. To settle, the injured worker and employer must agree to the terms and both must sign the application. Settlements can cover one or more claims, medical payments only, compensation only, or both. Injured workers and employers can also agree to settle for all allowed conditions in the claims or just select conditions. Injured workers of self-insured employers should use the self-insuring application, the SI-42.C-255 - Affidavit for Attorney Fees:Attorneys can use this form when requesting reimbursem*nt from BWC for fees owed to them from lump sum payments to injured workers. The form, which can be used voluntarily, provides a standard format to submit their request with a signed copy of a written fee agreement. Reporting fraud
Injured workers can use this form to report workers' compensation fraud. With this form, they can provide an effective description of the subject's suspected fraudulent activity.Note: To report workers' compensation fraud, injured workers need only to suspect that fraud may have been committed.FROI - First Report of Injury, Occupational Disease or Death:Injured workers, employers or medical providers use this form to initiate a workers compensation claim. The party completing the form should supply BWC with as much detailed information as possible. An electronic version of the FROI is available for filing online.FROI-ES - Informe inicial de lesión, enfermedad ocupacional o fallecimiento:Los trabajadores lesionados, los empleadores o los proveedores de atención médica usan este formulario para iniciar una reclamación de compensación debido a un accidente de trabajo. Cualquier individuo que complete el formulario debe proporcionar a BWC información lo más detallada que sea posible.Request for Prior Authorization of Medication Form (MEDCO-31):Injured workers' physicians use this form to request prior authorization for medications not typically usedfor industrial injuries or occupational diseases. Fax completed MEDCO-31 to ACS State Healthcare's priorauthorization fax number, which is located at the bottom of the form, for processing.Request for Prior Authorization of NON-PREFERRED Medication Form (MEDCO-32):Injured workers' physicians use this form to request prior authorization for medications on BWC's non-preferreddrug list as part of the BWC Preferred Drug Program. Some medications in the following catagories requireauthorization: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); Cox-2 inhibitors; skeletal muscle relaxants; andopioid analgesics. Fax completed MEDCO-32 to ACS State Healthcare's prior authorization fax number, which is located at the bottom of the form, for processing.R-2 - Claimant Authorized Representative:Injured workers and their representatives use this form to notify BWC of the injured worker's representative.R-2-ES - Autorización de un representante del trabajador lesionado:Los trabajadores lesionados y sus representantes utilizan este formulario para notificar a la BWC sobre el representante del empleado lesionado.R-4 - Application for Representative Identification Number:RH-1 - Rehabilitation Agreement:A vocational rehabilitation case manager uses this form to obtain agreement from an injured worker to participate in vocational rehab services. The case manager should explain vocational rehab and give the agreement to the injured worker during an initial interview. The injured worker must sign the form before beginning vocational rehab services.RH-6 - On-the-Job Training Agreement:The vocational case rehabilitation manager uses this form when writing a rehab plan that involves on-the-job training. This form is an agreement between the employer, injured worker and case manager to provide the injured worker with an opportunity to obtain and upgrade vocational skills through actual work experience, and permanent employment after successful completion of the training.RH-7 - Loan/Release Agreement for Tools and Equipment:The vocational rehabilitation case manager uses this form when purchasing tools or equipment for an injured worker as part of a rehab plan. The case manager itemizes the tools/equipment (quantity, brand, model, serial number and description) purchased. The form must be signed by the injured worker and indicates that the tools/equipment are BWC property if the injured worker does not successfully complete training/return to work.RH-10 - Vocational Rehabilitation Plan Job Search Contacts:Injured workers use this form to record job search contacts when participating in job-search rehab plans. Job search is an individualized rehab program for injured workers who cannot return to their original employers but have transferable skills and the physical capacities to return to the labor force. The vocational rehabilitation case manager will identify the number of job search contacts the injured worker will be required to make each week.RH-18 - Authorization for Living Maintenance Wage Loss:Injured workers use this form to set up living maintenance wage loss payments with BWC. Living maintenance wage loss off sets decreased wages when an injured worker returns to work after successful completion of a vocational rehab plan. This type of compensation requires documentation of the injured worker's current physical restrictions and a date of injury or diagnosis on or after Aug. 26, 1986.RH-24 - Gradual Return to Work Contract Reimbursem*nt Method:A vocational rehabilitation case manager uses this form when writing a rehab plan that involves returning the injured worker back to work gradually. Gradual return-to-work (GRTW) contracts are offered to employers whose injured workers return to work at reduced hours with gradual progression to full-time work. This contract is an agreement between the employer, injured worker and vocational case manager that the employer will pay full wages during the injured worker's participation in the GRTW program and then seek reimbursem*nt from BWC for losses in hours worked (not to exceed 50 percent of the injured worker's wages).SI-28 - Filing of Complaint Against Self-Insured Employer:Injured workers or their authorized representatives should use this form to file a complaint against their self-insuring employers for various reasons i.e., compensation not paid biweekly, compensation paid at incorrect rate and medical bills not paid timely.SI-42 - Self-Insured Joint Settlement Agreement and Release:This form sets out the terms of a lump sum settlement between an injured worker and self-insuring employer. The SI-43 also must accompany this form.SI-43 - Acknowledgement of the Self-Insured Joint Settlement Agreement and Release:The injured worker and self-insuring employer use this form to acknowledge their agreement to the lump sum settlement as detailed on the SI-42.WAGES-IW-ES - Declaración de los ingresos del trabajador lesionado:Los trabajadores lesionados completan este formulario para proporcionar el nombre, la dirección y las fechas de empleo de todos sus empleadores durante las 52 semanas anteriores a la fecha de la lesión o la fecha de la incapacidad en un reclamo por enfermedad laboral. Si corresponde, incluya la información del trabajo por cuenta propia. Adjunte una hoja adicional o use múltiples copias de este formulario, si fuera necesario. Usted debe enviar la comprobación de los ingresos reales de estos períodos de empleo a la BWC.WAGES-EMP-ES - Dinforme del empleador de ingresos del empleado:Los empleadores completan este formulario para proporcionar la documentación de los ingresos de un empleado lesionado específico para ayudar a la BWC a establecer los salarios por beneficios de indemnización. Deben completar la sección de la planilla de siete días de trabajo y luego, ya sea completar y firmar la hoja de declaración de ingresos o enviar un informe de nómina que inicie con el período de pago completo que terminó antes de la fecha de la lesión o la fecha de la incapacidad en un reclamo por enfermedad laboral.
OhioBWC - Worker - Form:(BWC Forms) (1)OhioBWC - Worker - Form:(BWC Forms) (3)
OhioBWC - Worker - Form: (BWC Forms) (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.