What Are The Essential Pedals? - FX Discussions on theFretBoard (2024)

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In this Discussion

  • July 2015 monquixote
  • July 2015 DesVegas
  • July 2015 Lew
  • July 2015 EricTheWeary
  • July 2015 AxeWieldingBastard
  • July 2015 Sassafras
  • July 2015 hugbot
  • July 2015 John_P
  • July 2015 topomorto
  • July 2015 daveyh
  • July 2015 IanSavage
  • July 2015 Teetonetal
  • July 2015 d8m
  • July 2015 rsvmark
  • July 2015 guitarfishbay
  • July 2015 Gassage
  • July 2015 jpttaylor
  • July 2015 Branshen
  • July 2015 UnclePsychosis
  • July 2015 mike_l

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Rox Frets: 2147

July 2015 in FX

I ask this as someone who doesn't use pedals. I've got a Vox Valvetronix, and it gives me loads of options... but... I'm curious.. am I missing out?

What are the essential pedals if you're starting from scratch?

Even if you have a modelling amp with all those options, what external pedals are must-haves?

Feedback Thread: http://thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1053312

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  • mike_l Frets: 5700

    July 2015


    OD or distortion (or a multi-channel amp)

    Delay and/or reverb

    Non essential




    Having said that, non are essential as long as the guitar/amp combinationsounds awesomes

    Ringleaderof the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21)

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  • UnclePsychosis Frets: 13052

    July 2015

    There are no essential pedals. (Although a pedal tuner is probably a good idea).

    The only time pedals become "essential" is if there is a sound you are trying to make that you cannot make otherwise. That may or may not be the case.

    That said, probably the best pedals for pedal beginners are delays, fuzzes, phasers, wah-wahs. All sounds that you cannot make normally and all very common in many types of music.

    My trading feedback

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  • Branshen Frets: 1222

    July 2015

    I'd say it depends on your music. I use delay and verb for a fair bit of my band stuff, so the pedals are key to my sound. I have delay on my modelling amp but it wouldn't give me even close to what I need.

    If you're playing ska/reggae, you'll want a wah/autowah. You'll want phaser and chorus if you're into '80s rock stuff.

    If you're playing blues and jazz, then arguably you don't "need" anything, but it's always fun to expand on your sounds with effect pedals.

    And of course everyone ('cept the snooty tube-breakup folk) needs a drive pedal.

    What music do you play?

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  • jpttaylor Frets: 473

    July 2015

    The only two I'd need are a tuner and a delay, and even the tuner is dubious if you have a clip on.

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  • Gassage Frets: 31153

    July 2015

    comp dist od flanger delay

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • guitarfishbay Frets: 7966

    July 2015

    For me, tuner, noise gate, volume pedal. That is the utility stuff - if you use a gate it makes sense to also use a volume pedal after the gate, as using the guitar volume pot then might cause the gate to cut off the tail of quieter notes. Anything else is an actual effect so depends on needs.

    If you don't play loud with high gain you might not need a gate, which might mean no need for a volume pedal, so only the tuner would be necessary if you had no other means of tuning. Personally I'd still use a volume pedal regardless as I prefer to have both hands free for playing.

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  • rsvmark Frets: 1404

    July 2015

    Compressor, tuner, delay

    An official Foo liked guitarist since 2024

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  • d8m Frets: 2434

    July 2015

    Depends what sort of music you play but a tuner and delay are a must I reckon.

    A metalzone is always an essential just as a baseline of how bad dirt pedals can be!

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  • Teetonetal Frets: 7834

    July 2015

    Well, essential to me is a two stage phaser, a tap tempo delay, a tap tempo tremolo and a tuner.

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  • IanSavage Frets: 1319

    July 2015

    Always need a tuner.

    As a guitarist who largely plays rhythm in bluesy / rocky outfits (usually doing deps or jam nights), I find that I need an overdrive of some sort in case I can't use my own amp, and I like using tremolo (tap-tempo ideally for dropping it in on-the-fly).

    An awful lot of lead guitarists I play with can't do a solo without delay, and there often needs to be a boost pedal to go with it; I can't see why you shouldn't be able to cover most mainstream ground with a tuner, overdrive, boost and delay.

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  • daveyh Frets: 692

    July 2015

    Tuner, and possibly an overdrive/distortion depending on the amp.

    Trading feedback:https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/57836/

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  • topomorto Frets: 68

    July 2015

    If you already think you have loads of options then you probably don't need any more.

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  • John_P Frets: 2756

    July 2015

    Definitely at least one red one.

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  • hugbot Frets: 1528

    July 2015


    I always recommend the rat when someone wants a distortion, just because I think before you start going boutique it's worth trying through the obvious things first. Rat, tubescreamer ect. A lot of boutique stuff is just tweaks of classic designs anyway.

    Nothing is truely essential mind.

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  • Sassafras Frets: 30320

    July 2015

    I wouldn't like to be without a light touch of reverb if the amp doesn't have it.

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  • AxeWieldingBastard Frets: 156

    July 2015

    I'd say a good eq pedal should be fairly high up on the list of pedal priorities. After that, a compressor can pretty much be applied to any style of music. As a tuner has already been mentioned, i'd say those three types are the essential utilities.

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  • EricTheWeary Frets: 16404

    July 2015

    Wisdom to UncleP.

    Off the top of my head the main categories would be something like eq, boost ( overdrive/distortion/ compression), modulation and time based. So something in each category covers a lot of ground ( plus a tuner!). So, for example - wah, tube screamer, rotary and reverb would be a good blues-rock set up but would do rock, reggae,etc, impersonations.

    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell.

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  • Lew Frets: 1657

    July 2015

    Essential? A muff variant.

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  • DesVegas Frets: 4640

    July 2015 edited July 2015

    Welcome to your first day of schoolin

    a good place to start is with a phaser, preferably the mxr one with the joined up writting (script 90 they call it.)
    "most" pedals are 60 uk bucks, but our friend gassage up there has bought em for 350

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  • monquixote Frets: 17916

    July 2015 tFB Trader

    Nothing is really essential.

    But assuming you are playing in a covers band

    If you don't have a multi channel amp then some kind of OD or distortion is going to be required.

    Wah is one of those things where if you need it for a song then you have to have one.

    Modulation is entirely optional unless you are doing something like "Ain't Talking Bout Love" where it's really central to the song. If you do have one you really don't need chorus, flange and phase. Just generic "Swirly Thing" will do.

    Many people will disagree with me, but I also tend to think of delay as inessential unless you are doing U2 type stuff. I have one, but I hardly use it.

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What Are The Essential Pedals? - FX Discussions on theFretBoard (2024)


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